Jul 14, 2008


Micky O'Brien goes into the confessional at St. Patrick's Church.
"Bless me father. It has been a month since my last confession. I've tipped down a few too many at Brownies on Friday and Saturday nites and I've had sex with Nookie Green twice a week.
The priest, Father Finley, blesses him and requires him to say 6 "Our Fathers".
Next into the confessional is Tim O'Malley and he also has had a few too many at Brownies plus he admits cheating on his wife 3 times a week with Nookie Green.
Father says that this is very serious and demands he quit cheating on his wife. For his penance he has to say 25 "Hail Marys"
.Then comes Chauncey Donnelly into the confesional. He confesses to drinking too much at Brownies and not going to church regularily on Sundays.
The priest asks him if he has forgotten anything. "Oh yes father, I've had intercourse relations with Nookie Green since she moved into town a month ago."
The priest requires him to say 6 "Our Fathers" and to go t o church regularily on Sundays.
Come Sunday during the sermon, Father Finley looks over his parishoners and looks sternly at the men he admonished during confession. He lectures on being a good husband and not drinking too much. Suddenly the back doors to the church open up and a stunning redhead in a very short green dress with a low cut V-neck and green shoes enters and slowly walks to the front of the church and sits down.
All of the men watch her closely. Her dress slides up to her thighs and her legs are slightly apart. Father Finley and the alter boys are agog. Father asks the alter boy Michael in front of him if the woman is Nookie Green. Michael replies, " I don't think so father, I think it is just the reflection off her shoes".

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